Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Ok So I have Booked My Course with Quick Courses what Happens Next?

A. The Course Organisers has been notified by us that you have made a booking to attend the course that you have selected and will be in touch with you soon to make the final arrangements or if you wish you can contact them directly yourself by using the Organiser details that we emailed you on your receipt and booking confirmation, but hang tough they will contact ASAP.

For SOLAS Safe Pass: first of all, make sure you are on time as SOLAS will not allow there tutors to permit anybody that is late, so if the course says 8:00am to 5:00pm be there for 7:45am sharp as there is a registration process before the course starts.

You will need proof of ID like a passport or driving licence and proof that you have an Irish PPS No, If you do not have a Irish PPS number you MUST contact the course organiser immediately in good time so they can apply to SOLAS for a process number in the event that you require one so you can sit the course, otherwise you cannot be permitted to attend the course.

If you have your old Safe Pass card that would be great bring it with you also but ask your course organiser if this is needed on the day.

Remember your SOLAS Safe Pass Card once completed lasts for 4 years!

Q. Do I need to bring anything when attending the course on the day?

A. It all depends on which course you have booked in for on the day, but usually the course organiser will tell you what you must bring with you when they contact you, but here is a quick guide.

For Manual Handling: Wear Comfortable clothing as you may have to perform some movements to demonstrate to the tutor that you can now lift an object in a safe manner / , form of ID: Driving Licence/ Passport so your name can be verified and be placed on the certificate of completion which lasts for 3 years.

For Abrasive Wheels: Casual clothing, form of ID: Driving Licence/ Passport so your name can be verified and be placed on the certificate of completion which lasts for 3 years.

First Aid: Wear Comfortable clothing as you may have to perform some movements to demonstrate to the tutor that you can now perform lifesaving techniques, form of ID: Driving Licence/ Passport so your name can be verified and be placed on the certificate of completion which lasts for 3 years however it is recommended that first aiders practice regularly so they don’t lose their skills, Joining your local first responders after you complete your first aid course is a good way of keep your skills sharp usually at no cost.

Please Note:
All deposits paid on Quick Courses are to pre book a place/seat on a course and all courses are limited to the number of attendees they can accept on the day, therefore all deposits paid on Quick Courses are non-refundable but if you notify the course organiser that you are booked in with to attend there course with a minimum of 5 days notice, They will gladly move you to another course.

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